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Kalakunj Foundation works towards motivating and encouraging its staff to imbibe, internalise and demonstrate these


Believing in and appreciating the dignity and potential of all human beings.


Maintaining social, ethical and organisational norms and adhering to conduct.


Fulfilling organisational goals with full commitment towards our duties and responsibilities.


Setting high performance standards and being accountable for and responsible
Distributed 12000 food packets under FOOD FOR + CAMPAIGN

Distributed 12000 food packets under FOOD FOR + CAMPAIGN

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More charity better lives

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Always ready to Help

See how you can make a difference in there lives by Your Donation Support

At the onset of the pandemic last year, KalaKunj Foundation had quickly responded to the plight of millions fighting hunger. With your help and constant support.

Each meal will be a nutritional platter comprising healthy staples like rice, daal, vegetables, chapati and more. Rations kits will contain daal, rice, salt, oil, atta, masala, tea, sugar etc.

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

food packet in 60 days
food packet in 60 days
Our Goals

Our Goals

The most important goals of the foundation are Women empowerment, Providing quality education to deprived children and to work in the Environment sector. In this regard, the foundation

At present, the foundation is providing Quality Education to underprivileged children at Community Education Centres MP. Apart from this, the foundation is also actively spreading awareness in the urban and rural centre of Bhopal about Cleanliness, Child Rights and Child Sexual abuse by conducting workshops and coordinated campaigns.




Charity activities are taken place around the India

Charity activities are taken place around the India

Donate us now
In our society, daughters and plants both have a distinguished place as they stand out as the driving forces of life and nature. They're indispensable for humans as well as the earth. We strive to make the importance of both these indispensable lives known to society. Our aim is to drive people to come forward for their preservation. In order to achieve this, your support would be instrumental and is expected by the foundation.
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    Children Education Right To Children Education is for all ? The KalaKunj Foundation introduced a three-day training for peers teaching needy children …

    We’re Kala Kunj Foundation. Strongly believing in the ideals of “Humanity above all”, we work for the upliftment of various underprivileged sections …

    Women Empowerment Women Empowerment can be defined as making women powerful to make them capable/ powerful and strong for themselves Women Empowerment …

    We Make a Difference in their Life

    We Make a Difference in their Life

    news and updates
    At the onset of the pandemic l last year, Kalakunj is trying to give as much as possible to the society in any way. With your help and support , we can work towards the same cause.